Church of Sinvention - The Original Sensory Deprivation Hood  

Posted by Arachn1a in , , ,

The Mother of Sinvention has sent us some more lovelies to review - many thanks to you m'lady!

This time it is the most beautiful piece - the Sensory Deprivation Hood...

I had two individuals try this hood out. It looks like it may work for breath control but my hard-core breath control player says that is a "no-go". It is certainly tight fitting though and the sensory deprivation addict that I tried the hood on loves it and says it is hard to catch your breath. Go figure!

This is yet another product that is very high quality. Made of soft, padded leather it fits the head snugly. It laces up the back of the head and cross-buckles in two places with the usual quality locking buckles that Sinvention uses. There is also a locking collar at the base of the hood so that your bratty subbie can't remove it until you say so!

My test subjects state that you should try with and without the straps tightened up. One did not like the added pressure on the eye sockets after the buckles were tightened and locked.

You are in a completely leather clad (oh the smell!), padded, floating space after the hood is put on. You must concentrate on keeping your breathing controlled as you are breathing through a small hole on the front of the hood through your mouth. You may want to have a hand-signal pre-negotiated as your subject will not be able to hear you. You will however be able to hear them through the breathing hole.

Both my test subjects thoroughly enjoyed the sensory deprivation experience with a big "thank-you Mistress" at the end.

The Mother of Sinvention has many wonderful and sinful things to explore - confess your sins and repent - floggers available at Sinvention!